Law Practice Interns
Law practice interns are encouraged to access the following resources on the core and specific ethical responsibilities of the legal profession.
1. Protocol on Reinforcing Ethics to Law Practice Interns
The Law Society of Singapore has introduced a protocol on 1 October 2024 for all law practices to brief interns at the start of their internships, with a focus on the application of ethical obligations in legal practice (“the Protocol”). The introduction of the Protocol is based on the recommendation of the Interim Report of the Ethics and Professional Standards Committee dated 15 December 2023.
The Protocol highlights the core and specific ethical values of the legal profession which law practices and legal practitioners should communicate to all interns at the commencement of their respective internships. Some of the key ethical responsibilities that should be communicated to interns are:
- Lawyers owe a paramount duty to the court which takes precedence over their duty to their client.
- Interns must not hold themselves out to be or act as lawyers nor should they give legal advice.
- Clients’ instructions are confidential.
- Lawyers are expected to conduct themselves appropriately and with respect and courtesy at all times.
- Lawyers must exercise total honesty and candour in dealings with and appearances before the court as well as with any regulatory authority.
Law practices and legal practitioners should continually reinforce these ethical values throughout the internship and revisit the briefed issues during check-in sessions during and at the end of the internship. It is also open to law practices to supplement the contents of the Protocol with additional materials concerning ethical values to be conveyed to incoming interns. Law practices may wish to consider including the Protocol as an annex, addendum or attachment to any confidentiality letter or undertaking that their interns may be required to acknowledge.
Click the image above or click here to download the protocol.
2. Other relevant resources
Further to the Protocol on Reinforcing Ethics to Interns, the resources below are supplementary reading resources for law practice interns on the specific ethical responsibilities of the legal profession:
- Duty to the Court: Ethics in Advocacy – How Far Can You Go?
- Avoid purporting to be a lawyer: Unauthorised Practice of Law – What Constitutes Acting or Practising as a Solicitor?
- Respectful and courteous conduct: Reflecting on What It Means to be an Ethical Lawyer
- Confidentiality: Disclosing Client Confidences to Your Spouse or Significant Other
- Honesty and candour: Recklessly Misleading the Court in Singapore and England