PC Application
To apply for your Practising Certificate (“PC”) for the practice year 2024-2025 (1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) please follow these steps.
For a quick summary of the PC application process and the requirements, please click here.
You may also wish to use our Checkbox applications below if you have any questions regarding PC applications.
1. Apply for professional indemnity insurance
Lawyers applying for a PC for practice year 2024/2025 must apply for professional indemnity insurance from Marsh. Click here to apply from Marsh. Kindly note that applications for professional indemnity insurance for practice year 2024/2025 may only be made from 1 March 2024 onwards.
2. Wait for the confirmation email
- After 24 Hours, submit your PC Application via eLitigation or LawNet Service Bureau
Do I need an Accountant's Report?
If you practised as partner or director, or if you were sole proprietor, or you held or received client’s money or conveyancing money, you will need to furnish an Accountant’s Report together with your PC Application.
Please note that lawyers holding the designation of “Junior Partner” and “Associate Director” are also required to submit an Accountant’s Report when renewing their PC
What period does the the Accountant's Report Cover?
The full calendar year (1st January to 31st December) preceding your PC Application or the period of time you last held a PC.
How do I seek an exemption from producing an Accountant's Report?
If your law practice did not hold or receive client’s money or conveyancing money, please prepare a Statutory Declaration in accordance with this specimen.
What if I want to practice as a Partner or Director but I do not have the necessary experience as required under legislation?
Please see point 5 below.
What if Section 25A of the Legal Profession Act applies to me?
We encourage you to put in your PC Application as early in March as possible to allow ample time for Council of the Law Society to review your application.
Please note you need to declare in your application for PC if you have provided pro bono services in the preceding practice year and give details of each service including description of the specified pro bono service and total estimated amount of time (in hours) spent. ‘Specified pro bono service’ is defined in the Legal Profession (Mandatory Reporting of Specified Pro Bono Services) Rules 2015.
3. Additional Requirements for PC Application
3i) Voting in Annual Election of Council: Under section 50(2) Legal Profession Act (‘LPA’), a penalty of $500 is liable if you did not vote and have not been given a waiver from the voting requirement. A request for waiver under section 50(2) of the LPA (‘request’) is to be submitted to the Registrar before the advocate and solicitor submits the application for a PC. A request which is submitted after the application for a practising certificate and after the penalty of $500 has been paid will not be considered.
3ii) Continuing Professional Development: All advocates and solicitors admitted to the Singapore Supreme Court and holding Singapore Practising Certificates, and foreign lawyers registered under section 36B of the Legal Profession Act must meet the CPD requirements set out in the Legal Profession (Continuing Professional Development) Rules 2012 and the Guidelines made thereunder. Please ensure that you fulfil the requirements for CPD points before making your application for the PC. You can refer to the latest CPD guidelines here.
3iii) Certificates of Registration (CoR) issued by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) expire after 1, 2 or 3 years depending on the type of registration and the registration period selected by the law practice in the application form. The expiry date of the CoR is stated in the certificate. Please note that providing legal services in or from Singapore without a valid CoR is prohibited under the Legal Profession Act. It is the responsibility of the Registrant and the law practice to take note of the expiry date and ensure that CoRs are renewed promptly.
Note: If the law practice would like to register for limited access to the Practising Certificate module in eLitigation, you can also make an application through the Service Bureaux.
3iv) Compensation fund contribution: (No GST) $100.00
*If application is made from 1 October, the levy payable will be $50.00.
4. Fees for Practising Certificate Application
Category | No. of years | PC Fees per Year (before GST) |
Junior | < 5 years | $750 |
Middle | 5 - 15 years | $900 |
Senior | > 15 years | $1,050 |
5. Legal Practice Management Course (LPMC)
Section 75C of the Legal Profession Act (‘LPA’) requires a solicitor to have successfully completed the Legal Practice Management Course before he/she can practice on his/her own account or as a partner or director of a law practice, unless the solicitor has already been in practice as a sole proprietor, partner or director before 9 March 2007.
Solicitors wishing to practice as a Sole Proprietor/Partner/Junior Partner/Equity Partner/Partner/Director/Associate Director must complete and submit the particulars and undertaking to complete the Legal Practice Management Course.
For avoidance of doubt, you are required to complete the Legal Practice Management Course if you intend to hold a designation with “Partner” or “Director” in it.
Click here for the particulars form and undertaking.
Click here if you wish to make an application under Section 75C(2) of the Legal Profession Act to shorten the period of employment to practise as a sole proprietor, partner or director.
Please submit your completed forms and undertaking to compliance@lawsoc.org.sg
Useful Contacts
For queries concerning accountant’s report(s)
Law Society
Tel: 6538 2500 | Email Here.
For Pro Bono Services queries
Law Society Pro Bono Services
Tel: 6536 0650 | Email Here.
For Professional Indemnity Insurance queries
Marsh (Singapore) Pte Ltd Tel: 6411 9020 | Email Here.
For CPD queries
Singapore Institute of Legal Education
Tel: 6332 5367 | Contact Form
For waiver from voting for Annual Election of Council queries
Supreme Court
Tel: 6332 4244 | Email Here.
For technical/system/filing related issues in eLitigation
CrimsonLogic Helpdesk
Tel: 6887 7222. Email Here.
For assistance with PC applications if your firm does not have an eLitigation account
Service Bureau – Supreme Court
1 Supreme Court Lane, Level 1 Supreme Court Building Singapore 178879 Tel: 6337 9164
Service Bureau – State Courts
1 Havelock Square, Level 2 State Courts Singapore 059724 Tel: 6538 9507
For assistance/information regarding Certificates of Registration
You can refer to the following links for information concerning applications for Certificates of Registration (‘CoR’):
- CoRs: https://www.mlaw.gov.sg/law-practice-entities-and-lawyers/licensing-or-registration-of-law-practice-entities/types-of-licence-or-registration/
- Legal Services Regulatory Authority (‘LSRA’) FAQs: https://www.mlaw.gov.sg/law-practice-entities-and-lawyers/registration-of-individuals/register-an-individual/
- LSRA e-Services User Guide (which can be found under ‘Quick Links’): https://eservices.mlaw.gov.sg/lsra/lsra-home
Enquiries may be directed to the LSRA using the online Enquiry form.
(Select “Legal Services Regulatory Authority” as the subject and include your license, registration/application number, if any)