The LawSoc Arbitration Rules (‘Rules’), which came into effect on 1 December 2017, are designed to be simple and flexible in order to accommodate and dispose of a wide range of disputes expeditiously, in accordance with arbitration costs that are scaled and fixed by the Law Society of Singapore.

Some key features of the Rules are as follows:

  • A default ‘Documents-Only’ arbitration for disputes where the value of the claim and counterclaim in total is not more than S$60,000, unless parties opt for a hearing;
  • A scale for party-and-party costs that may be allowed for claims below S$60,000;
  • Provision for parties to submit to an Arb-Med-Arb Procedure under Appendix 1 of the Rules by agreement at any point during arbitration but prior to the issue of the final award, where:
    • The arbitrator shall stay arbitration pending the outcome of a mediation;
    • If the dispute is settled by mediation, parties can notify the arbitrator to discontinue arbitration or request the arbitrator to record the settlement in the form of a consent award;
    • If the dispute is not entirely settled by mediation, arbitration proceedings in respect of dispute or any remaining part shall resume under the Rules; and
  • Provision for parties to apply for emergency interim relief under Appendix 2 of the Rules at the time of or after filing the Notice of Arbitration but prior to the appointment of the arbitrator.

Click here for a copy of the Rules.